Underwater Icy...
“Underwater Icy Freezing Cold Watery Extravaganza”
University of Central Missouri
Warrensburg, MO | 2011
About the Show
This installation and performance focused on an icy, frozen, underwater theme. Many of the ideas were conceived in collaboration with students from the University of Central Missouri. Ten Whoop Dee Doo artists worked for two weeks to create this giant maze-like installation. An epic four hour performance for youth and the Warrensburg community was held in the installation’s video viewing room. The performance featured over 30 water-themed games and contests ranging from melting ice fast to the Underwater Best Face Contest. Prizes ranged from Klondike Bars, and ice cube trays to buckets full of water and kits to make your own mud.
Whoop Dee Doo Artists
Natalie Myers
Chris Beer
Stuart Scott Smith
Mary O’Brien
Matt Roche
Jaimie Warren
Jessy Abid
Lee Heinemann
Roger Link
Lindsey Griffith
Drink brown water fast
Finger or carrot
Snack time- eat ice cubes fast
Who just touched this dirty hand
Gargling contest
Who can spit water the furthest
Who can fake row a boat the fastest
Who can stick their hand in a bucket of snow the longest
Who can melt the cup of ice the fastest
Natalie talks to kids about water
Tours of the bathroom
Mix food and water and you have to eat it
Bobbing for ice in ice
Stirring water with a carrot the hardest
Sign punching on signs that say water and the cardboard is wet
Best sculpture with wet cardboard
What would you do for Klondike bar?
Making the grossest looking bucket of water
Riverdance dance contest
Little mermaid singing contest
Aaliyah rock the boat contest
Drink like a dog, lick like a fox
Underwater scream contest
Underwater best face contest
wet blanket contest – guess what its wet with
whats that watery smell?what’s wet? Which of these things is wet?
Find the fake ice cube in bobbing for ice with ice
Wet musical chairs
Who doesn’t get it? You get water dumped on your head
Keep your cool
Jeremy Mikolajczak