Your Body...

“Your Body is not a's Gross”
Portland Institute of Contemporary Art / Time Based Arts Festival
Portland, OR | 2011

About the Show

For the summer of 2011, Whoop Dee Doo partnered with the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, the Time-Based Art Festival, and Caldera; an at-risk youth program and summer camp in Sisters, Oregon.

Thirteen Whoop Dee Doo artists, 10 high school students, PICA volunteers and the local community collaborated to create an immense body-themed installation, stage, and several video viewing rooms including an intestinal maze, giant hairy chest and belly-button room, and an interactive brain room, all available for viewing during the month after the TBA festival. Two live, free shows included over a dozen local performance groups, and Whoop Dee Doo collaborated with these groups to form some of our most bizarre, unique and successful collaborations. From the Mizu Desierto Butoh Theater creating a dance and costuming based on digestion and excrement to the Portland National Guard Emergency Response Team who worked with Caldera students to create intestines and a moulage-themed stunt, to African dancers from Kukatonan creating a new performance as a collaboration with local punk/noise band Million Brazillians – the show was an unforgettable and never-ending amalgamation of extraordinary concepts.

Whoop Dee Doo Artists

Matt Roche
Jaimie Warren
Natalie Myers
Roger Link
Erin Zona
Megan Mantia
Chris Beer
Ryan Comiskey
Lindsey Griffith
Stuart Scott Smith
Molly Ryan
Elizabeth Allen-Cannon
Madeline Gallucci


Kristan Kennedy

Youth Group

Caldera and Open Meadows


Bells of the Cascades
Wet Clown presents a Humorous HAHAHA
Rose City Flute Choir
Mizu Desierto Butoh Theater
Swiss Yodeling with Shelby Imholt
Eat your heart out with Natalie
Colin Self – I wanna Eat with Somebody
Murray Irish Dancers
The Charleens
National Guard Medics
Kukatonan, drummer Caton Lyles and Million Brazillions

Whoop Dee Doo on
Caldera Arts